29 June 2008

Amusement of the day ...

Not the most appropriate description, but I found it somewhat amusing that charts and graphs are used in defining Relationships vs. Friends with Benefits.

23 June 2008

Lesson learned today.

I really need to find an efficient way to document old code that I'm using in the future. Things seem to make sense the time of execution back then, but sometimes I have no freaking clue what I was thinking or how stuff is working the way it's working. It's not that I don't have any notes. It's just that they're in notebooks, on loose paper, or stored somewhere in my head. Efficiency is the key word here.

There's my geeky moment for the day. The code monkeys are probably staring me down now.

08 June 2008


Upon returning to the Super 8 Motel after a day at the watercolor workshop Alexis and I were surprised to see that a wedding reception was going on in the conference room.