24 December 2007

happy holidays!

Ahhh ... how times have changed. I only wish I were this productive at home.

23 December 2007

it's getting close to that time again ...

... that's right. New Year's Resolutions!!!

I might try something simple this year ... like updating this blog ever so often rather than posting silly youtube links. What else should I add to my list? I really do need to watch my spending. It's almost looking like I may be living off Ramen for the next semester. Well, maybe not that bad, but my spending habit is becoming an issue. Let's keep the list at that for now and I'll add on later. I still have a little over a week to develop my "Things to better myself list."

08 March 2007

one day...

...I'll write something meaningful and inspiring for people to read. Or something really silly. Not today. I'm busy.

german coast guard.

19 February 2007

18 February 2007