07 January 2010

Visits galore

Today is the day of visits. In the morning we visited with 3Dsense Media School. There was a number of good work coming out of such a small school and short program. The student work was really impressive. The people we spoke with were also really great because they were so passionate about their school and producing quality graduates.

Before we headed out to lunch we dropped by Chinatown to see the temple. The rooftop garden was beautiful. There was so much of the temple to see that I didn't get a chance to check out the markets nearby. Hopefully, I'll get the opportunity to do so after the program is over.

For lunch we ventured into the Indian cuisine, which was nice because I had been looking forward to trying that out since I learned about the India town here. We tried out the roti prata. Earlier tonight I also learned that Adan had not really tried Indian food besides today's lunch. I'm trying to nudge him towards getting some later before we leave. We are pretty close to authenticity.

In the afternoon we visited Tiny Island Productions and Scrawl Studio. Both had an array of interesting visuals. I'm really interested in looking up more of what Scrawl has done. Their toons are appealing to me. I loved that their offices are decorated with so many toys and fun. It's always great inspiration.

We ended the day with a ride on the Singapore Flyer. I had been waiting all week for this. This was a great ride to see the whole city and the outlying islands.

It's too bad that tomorrow is the last day. I have met some really great people that I hope to see in the future. Can't wait to see the Lucasfilm Animation Studio tomorrow.

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